Frequently asked questions

Can I receive this work while pregnant and post partum?

The short answer is yes. For the first trimester we allow the body to rest and provide protection for the embryo. You may receive this care during your second and third trimesters which can assist in helping your body to adjust and create space for your baby to grow.

You may receive this care immediately after a vaginal birth. If you have had a caesarean section, please wait a minimum of 10-12 weeks to book to give your body the time to heal from the incision.

I am not pregnant or post partum, can I still receive this care?

Yes! This work is for all women of all ages, in all stages of their lives. Through this work we are bringing you into a connection with your body and educating it back into proper alignment. This is beneficial for our overall health, not just during pregnancy and post partum. Each session is unique to every woman and what their body may need during that session.

I have an IUD in place, am I able to receive this care?

Unfortunately, no. Through this work we are adjusting the tissues and layers of the body and through this process the IUD may move out of place and can cause damage to surrounding tissues and organs. By committing to this work, you are committing to allowing your uterus to function as it was innately designed to, which is free of hormonal contraception.

Is there any preparation I need to do for the sessions?

On the day of the session please come with clean skin, free of oils and moisturizer. We will be working with castor oil so if there is an allergy please let me know.

I require my clients to come to their sessions sober in order to be fully aware and present in their body throughout the session. This includes refraining from the use of alcohol, vaping, tobacco use of any kind, psychedelics, and stimulants. If you taking any of these substances, are actively trying to wean yourself off and want to receive this work, please be in touch and we can chat.

What type of clothing should I wear?

During the session you will be covered with a sheet and blanket to stay warm. If you are comfortable you do not need to wear any clothing or may wear underwear and a bralette. Please do not wear a bra with underwire if planning to keep your bra on during the session.

Do you take insurance?

No, I do not accept insurance.