sacred body tending

what is sacred body tending?

Through this hands on work, we are creating space for the body to unravel and come back into proper alignment. We are supporting and tending to the body by listening to the tissues for how they want to be touched and tended to by working with the different layers of fascia and deeper organs. Through this journey, you are your own healer. I am here to remind and educate your body back into proper alignment. Together we hold a sacred space for you and your body to come back home to self.

a coming home

This work is for any and all women who are ready to connect with their body and make a commitment of tending to and listening to their bodies. Some areas of support may include

Pelvic Imbalance
Uterine Alignment
Menstrual Symptoms
Fertility Challenges
Pre & Post Partum Care

Digestive Imbalance
Scar & Adhesion Work
Lower Back Pain
Organ Prolapse
Emotional Release


**Multiple sessions are recommended to help support your body through the shifts of this journey**

Subsequent Body Tending Sessions

1.5 hours: $200 CAD

  • In each follow-up session we begin with a check-in to see how your body and spirit have shifted from the last session and your at home practices. We provide further education on health concerns and address questions that may have arisen.

  • Moving to the hands on portion of the session, we will tailor the session based on your body needs and listening to what your body is telling us through touch.

  • At the end you receive guidance to further support your body at home outside of our sessions.

Initial Body Tending Session

2 hours: $250 CAD

  • In this session we go over your health history form and address any questions you may have. I provide education surrounding your health concerns.

  • We move onto the hands on portion of the session tailored to your concerns as well as listening to what your body is telling us through touch.

  • At the end you receive guidance to further support your body at home outside of our sessions.

**Accepting cash only at this time**

my journey

I am currently enrolled in an 18 month womb continuum practitioner course led by Andrea Terrones and Carly Rae Beaudry of Ma School. We had our first hands on training retreat this past March with three more hands on training to come over the next year. I graduated with my Bachelor of Nursing in 2014 and have worked in various fields and hospitals since graduation. Throughout my nursing career I have bared witness to the disconnection women have with their own bodies and how little our medical system knows about the female anatomy. Throughout my journey, I have known that I have wanted to serve women in a more holistic manor and provide education and a safe space for them to come back home and reunite with their bodies. I aim to bring an element of nature into my practice as I feel most at home there. Mother nature knows best and we have so much to learn from her if we sit and listen to what she has to share with us.

Based out of Carman, Manitoba

The address will be shared with clients upon booking